Read More 2 minute read CCryptocurrency The 3 most popular cryptocurrencies outside Bitcoin right nowbyPete GabrielMay 27, 20216.3K views It is no secret Bitcoin has taken a recent hit due to various variables – fear of China…
Read More 3 minute read DDaily Niche “Buying habits need to change”: Kind Socks is here to stay.byPete GabrielApril 27, 20191.9K views With trends pushing towards sustainable clothing, Kind Socks is making its way into a niche that people tend…
Read More 1 minute read CCryptocurrency Bitcoin hackers are back on their sextortion scamsbyPete GabrielApril 23, 20193.5K views They’re back! Whoever thought Bitcoin sextortion hackers were a thing of the past: Residents of Kansas are being…
DDaily Niche Facebook suspends around 200 suspicious apps of “thousands investigated”byPete GabrielMay 14, 20182.9K views You might recall the Facebook hearing after the Cambridge Analytica scandal hit. In light of that, Mark Zuckerberg…
DDaily Niche How To Start A Podcast And Develop An Audio-Content StrategybyPete GabrielMay 10, 20182.6K views With podcasts on the rise and Google investing in doubling the amount of listeners worldwide, it’s a pretty…
DDaily Niche Why You Should Care About PodcastsbyPete GabrielMay 7, 20182.5K views Podcasts are back, and they’re big business. As interest in audio-content keeps growing, Google opened up about investing…
DDaily Niche Instagram adds native payment options to app (for some users)byAlexander van SwinderenMay 4, 20183.4K views Exciting news: Instagram just added native payment features for some users, making it possible to make payments for…
DDaily Niche Snapchat’s Redesign Causes Stock To DropbyPete GabrielMay 2, 20184.0K views Snapchat users aren’t happy. And it shows. Shares in Snap, Snapchat’s parent company, hit a record low after…
DDaily Niche CoinMarketCap rebrands & launches mobile app to track crypto pricesbyPete GabrielMay 1, 20183.8K views It’s celebration day at CoinMarketCap. Founded in 2013, they are celebrating their 5th anniversary with new features and…
DDaily Niche Crypto Exchange Binance Is Moving From China To CyprusbyPete GabrielApril 26, 20182.3K views Binance is moving to Cyprus, and that’s big news for the Honk Konk-based company. Recently Binance pulled staff…