SSocial Media Inside the blogger’s mind: how influencer marketing changed in 2017byMantas MalukasSeptember 5, 20172.3K views A new survey of 586 bloggers and vloggers, examined the current state of influencers: their habits, attitudes, and blogging…
SSocial Media Twitter has impact on financial markets, new study showsbyMantas MalukasAugust 2, 20171.9K views MURFREESBORO, TN — August 2, 2017. User-generated content and attention stemming from the social media platform Twitter has…
BBrands Costs Are Soaring: The Current State of Influencer Marketing In 2017byTom JosephJuly 25, 20173.7K views Influencers are charging more, but is it money well-spent? Influencer marketing is big business — and it’s only…
DDaily Niche As Amazon’s Advertising Platform Grows,Marketers and Brands Look to Make the SwitchbyMantas MalukasJuly 23, 20172.5K views SEATTLE, WA — July 23, 2017. Amazon Advertising Platform (AAP), which launched in 2014, is fast becoming a…