DDaily Niche Instagram adds native payment options to app (for some users)byAlexander van SwinderenMay 4, 20183.4K views Exciting news: Instagram just added native payment features for some users, making it possible to make payments for…
SSocial Media Here’s how these 4 celebrity Instagram influencers soared to the top of their nichebyMantas MalukasNovember 8, 20172.7K views The world of marketing has changed radically in the past decade with the rise and ubiquity of social…
SSocial Media One size doesn’t fit all: building the perfect influencer marketing strategybyMantas MalukasSeptember 29, 20173.3K views Due to the relative lack of data on what specifically drives ROI in regards to influencer marketing, it…
BBrands Costs Are Soaring: The Current State of Influencer Marketing In 2017byTom JosephJuly 25, 20173.7K views Influencers are charging more, but is it money well-spent? Influencer marketing is big business — and it’s only…
BBrands Top 5 Marketing Platforms to Reach Out to Social Media InfluencersbyMantas MalukasJune 24, 20172.8K views Forget about Hollywood stars—nowadays, brands are going after social media celebrities for advertising campaigns. The rise of social…
BBrands A New Approach to Measuring How Brands Are Portrayed On Social MediabyMantas MalukasJune 9, 20175.3K views NEW YORK, NY — June 9, 2017. Scientists propose a “visual listening in” approach to measuring how brands are…